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What is Women Empowerment? and rights, role | Gurugrah

Women Empowerment | Gurugrah

Women Empowerment –

Thoughts and concerns are expressed on social, economic, classical and legal issues related to women’s classicalization. In the process of electrification, society is made aware of the traditional patriarchal outlook, which constantly considers the status of women as inferior. Feminist movements at the global level and international actions such as UNDP play an important role in achieving women’s political rights to social equality, freedom and justice. Women empowerment is the process of empowering women by creating confidence in them at all levels, physical or spiritual, physical or mental.

What is Women's Empowerment? –

Women empowerment can be defined in very simple words that it makes women powerful so that they can take all the decisions related to their life on their own and can live well in their families and society. Women's empowerment is to enable them to achieve their real rights in society. It has such power that it can change a lot in society and the country.

Women Empowerment in India –

Half of India’s population is women and according to a World Bank report, if women contribute to the labour force, India’s growth rate would be in double digits. Yet it is unfortunate that only a few people talk about women's employment while most people are more concerned about youth unemployment.

Recently, in the first meeting of the Prime Minister’s ‘Economic Advisory Council’, 10 such key areas were identified where more attention is needed. Unfortunately, the contribution of women to the labour population has declined sharply. This remains a matter of constant concern. But then women's employment has not been kept in a separate category. According to the National Sample Survey (68th Round), the female participation rate in 2011-12 was 25.51%, which was 24.8% in rural areas and only 14.7% in urban areas. How can you expect women to have the same work opportunities as men when there is a lack of employment? A man can work longer hours, he does not need maternity leave and it is easier for him to travel wherever he needs to provide a cradle house for women or child-rearing facilities in construction work.

There are several reasons why India’s female labour participation record has declined over the years and is the lowest in South Asia after Pakistan. Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh have the highest female employment in proportion to their population. Men from these areas come to India to work and women follow them in the fields to support their families. Women contribute only 17% to India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde says that if more and more women participate in labour, India’s GDP can increase by 27%.

Women empowerment started –

The beginning of women’s empowerment is considered by the United Nations on March 08, 1975, as International Women’s Day. Then the women empowerment initiative was taken in 1985 at the Women’s International Conference in Nairobi. Keep in mind that a great policy was adopted by the Government of India in 1953 to remove gender-based differences in society, the Women’s Welfare Policy.

Role of women empowerment –

The role of women empowerment, First of all, let us tell you that ‘empowerment’ refers to the ability of a person, due to which that person gets the ability, in which he can take all the important decisions related to his life, and about himself. I can do fair and unfair justice.

Rights given for women's empowerment –

Right to equal pay –

According to the Equal Remuneration Act, no one can be discriminated against on the basis of gender when it comes to salary or wages.

Laws against Harassment in the workplace –

Under the Sexual Harassment Act, you have every right to file a complaint against sexual harassment at the workplace. The central government has also implemented new rules for women employees, under which women will be given 90 days of paid leave till the investigation is pending in case of complaints of sexual harassment at the working place.

Right against female feticide –

It is the duty of every citizen of India to let a woman experience her basic right ‘right to live. The Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Identification Techniques Prohibition of Sex Selection Act (PCPNDT) gives rights against female foeticide.

Right to Property –

Based on the new rules under the Hindu Succession Act, both men and women have equal rights on ancestral property.

Right to dignity and decency –

In case the accused is a woman, any medical examination procedure carried out on her should be done by a woman or in the presence of another woman.

Women Empowerment –

The development of women’s ability to think about themselves and their country by getting rid of family shackles is called women empowerment.

Objectives of women empowerment –

The beginning of women’s empowerment is considered by the United Nations on March 8, 1975, as International Women’s Day. Then the women empowerment initiative was taken in 1985 at the Women’s International Conference in Nairobi. To remove gender-based differences in society, the Government of India adopted a great policy, the Women’s Welfare Policy in 1953.

The national objective of women's empowerment is to communicate the progress and confidence of women. Women's empowerment is important for the development of the country. Empowerment of women is the most important thing because they are the creators. If you empower them, make them strong, and encourage them, it is good for the country. It is not a big deal to do this, it has been happening for centuries. Keeping in view the role of women in nation-building activities, the government declared the year 2001 as the year of women's empowerment and adopted a national policy of providing self-power to women.

Many laws have been made to make women socially, economically, legally and politically strong. Keeping in view the role of rural India, the government has taken several steps to empower the Panchayati Raj system with the active participation of women. This has encouraged many women to get elected to the Lok Sabha and state assemblies which is a sign of their political empowerment.

The National Policy aims to ensure the advancement, development and empowerment of women. Its objectives are to create a favourable environment through positive economic and social policies for the development of women so that women can realize their potential and take advantage of health care, quality education, employment, equal remuneration and social security. Many women in India have taken important steps in the path of women empowerment.

Women are doing really good work in every field whether it is the field of entertainment or the field of education. The contribution of women in rural areas also varies. Women have traditionally made an active contribution to the production and sale of handicraft-related items. The story of the exploitation of women that happens day by day ruins this picture. Today women are neither safe at home nor outside. If we talk about empowerment, then in many parts of India, there is an emphasis on keeping women away from education. The upliftment of a handful of women cannot lead to the welfare of the entire women’s society. If women have to be empowered then first society has to be made aware.

Women's Empowerment Problem –

Under women empowerment, sensitivity and concern are expressed on the social, economic, political and legal issues related to women. In the process of empowerment, society is made aware of the traditional patriarchal approach, which has always considered the status of women as inferior.

Globally, feminist movements and international organizations like UNDP have played an important role in achieving women’s political rights of social equality, freedom and justice. Women’s empowerment, physical or spiritual, physical or mental, can create self-confidence in women at all levels. It is a process of empowering them.


By Chanchal Sailani | December 20, 2022, | Editor at Gurugrah_Blogs.



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