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Global temperature, Definition- 5 Major effects of global warming | Gurugrah

Global temperature, Definition- 5 Major effects of global warming | Gurugrah

Global temperature –

Meaning of global temperature rise –

Scientists say that the biggest challenge facing the world at this time is global warming, due to which the temperature of the earth is increasing. This is creating difficulties for the world in dealing with natural disasters, such as droughts and floods, and problems such as malaria. The number of incidents related to these subjects is increasing. Do you have any thoughts about what I am saying? What do you think about this?

“The increase in the average temperature of the entire planet due to the increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the earth’s atmosphere is known as global warming. The world is facing various problems due to the increase in the temperature of the planet due to global warming; For example floods, drought,s, etc.

According to Dr Ravindra Singh: “Primarily due to human causes, there is an increase in atmospheric and surface temperature, respectively, and changes in the global radiation balance. Climate change and its causes at the local, regional and global levels. It is estimated that over the past one hundred years, surface air temperatures have increased by about 0.5 to 0.7 °C.

The amount of carbon dioxide in the temperature rise is 360 parts per million (ppm) and contributes to about 55% of the overall temperature increase. Chlorofluorocarbons contribute about 24% of greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change. The nitrogen oxide content is 210 ppb and contributes about 6% to the air quality. The methane content is 1720 ppb and the contribution is 15%.

The following are the reasons for the rise in temperature due to global warming –

1. Industrialization

2. Mechanization

3. The increasing number of automatic vehicles has also contributed to the rise in temperature.

4. Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, methane, nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere, etc. The amount of gases has increased due to which the temperature absorption capacity of the atmosphere has increased.

5. Due to the depletion of the ozone layer from chlorofluorocarbons responsible for the greenhouse effect and more and more part of energy coming to the earth, its temperature increases.

Effects of Global Warming (Effects of Global Temperature Rise) –

The following effects of increased temperature have been observed in the atmosphere- Scientists have concluded after studying that due to the increase in temperature, the temperature of the earth has also increased. The speed of rotation on the water axis is also decreasing.

According to the research of a German scientist, due to rising temperatures, the number of boys born in the future children will increase, because the Y chromosome, Which determines the sex of boys, has the ability to tolerate heat is more. According to the institute, Earth’s average temperature has been increasing by about 0.3 degrees Fahrenheit every decade for the past few decades.

This trend is expected to continue. The region of South America has been experiencing drought for four years, and the average temperature in the Ush region is about 2 degrees higher than in the past forty years. In contrast to the hot weather in the United States, the weather in Europe has been cool.

A study conducted in the UK has found that flood deaths due to rising temperatures will double by 2080. The production of greenhouse gases in the United Kingdom contributes to 2% of the global total, while the United States, with only four percent of the world’s population, produces more than 20% of all greenhouse gases. Automated vehicles, industries, and thermal power plants are releasing a lot of carbon dioxide, and as a result, temperatures are rising steadily.

The rise in global temperature: Earth’s existence in danger –

As long as there is an environment, we all exist and this is the whole world. Consumerism is harming the earth and our environment. Whatever we put in front of him, he is sitting there deliberately biting. We are destroying ourselves by the way multinational companies and the neo-liberal system have encouraged us to indulge in luxuries. On today’s Environment Day, we want to remind you of the importance of preserving our environment. We hope you will take the time to learn about the ways we can help protect our planet.

Major effects of global warming

1. Rapid change in temperature –

The rise in global temperature is widespread. But it is getting colder in some areas. According to the World Meteorological Organization, the 1990s was the warmest decade and the twentieth century was the world’s warmest in the past 1000 years. It will have many bad consequences for the life and environment of humans and other animals. That is why it has now become a matter of concern for the whole world.

2. Severe forms of weather –

Most scientists believe that as the climate gradually warms, severe weather will emerge. Very heavy rain, drought, flood, storm, severe heat, etc. Or the glaciers will melt faster, causing the Ganges to flow into the river and other similar rivers. The water is running out. In 2003 it was announced that severe weather events were more likely to occur due to climate change.

3. Maha-cyclone –

In the coming years, the energy of the Sun will soon capture our atmosphere and the Earth, according to the increase in the emission of greenhouse gases. Will this cause global warming? The effect of this will be that the frequency of rains will increase with very strong thunderstorms, large cyclones, and storms.

4. Ecological System –

Trees, plants, and animals together form a complex system in a fixed place. This is called an ecosystem. The ecosystem can be as large as the desert of Kutch and as small as ponds and puddles. A complex system on which organisms and plants depend, in which the predator depends on the prey, and the prey … this and depends on the plants. Eventually, the predator also dies and is eaten by the trees. This causes the cycle to continue indefinitely.

This system is very sensitive to climate change. This leads to the fact that we need food, water, and security, among other things. Climate change affects ecosystems both inside and outside the system. This has negative consequences for humans, who depend on these ecosystems for food, water, timber, and other resources.

5. Rising sea level –

As the Earth’s ice sheet melts, the water level in the oceans is rising, submerging small islands. The World Watch Institute has warned that this could cause major problems for the human population living on these islands.

Due to global warming –

The main cause of global warming is the increase in the number of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere due to human activities. Carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone, and chlorofluorocarbons are among the most common greenhouse gases. The effect of any greenhouse gas in the atmosphere is to increase the amount of radiation absorbed by the Earth.

This depends on how long the gas remains in the atmosphere and the wavelength of the radiation it absorbs. Carbon dioxide is the most common greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. The main sources of greenhouse gas emissions are the combustion of fossil fuels, industrial activities such as motor vehicles and factories, and the cultivation of crops such as rice and cattle.

Although nitrogen, oxygen, and argon are the most abundant in the atmosphere, they are not greenhouse gases because their molecules consist of only one element. Contains atoms of two species, such as nitrogen (N2), oxygen (O2), or similar elements found in them, such as argon (Ar). When they vibrate, the electric charges do not change their distribution, so they are very resistant to infrared radiation.

Gases that contain two different elements, such as carbon monoxide (CO) or hydrogen chloride (HCI), absorb infrared radiation. But since these gases are soluble and react quickly, they break down quickly and go into the atmosphere. Therefore, greenhouse gases from cars and other transportation sources do not contribute significantly to the greenhouse effect.

Possible consequences of global warming –

Possible consequences of global warming can be:

1. The company strives to provide its customers with high-quality products and services. The company aims to provide quality products and services to its customers. As temperatures rise, glaciers begin to melt and reduce in size. Glaciers are slowly receding.

2. When the melting water of glaciers mixes into the oceans, the sea level rises. This can lead to the flooding of rivers originating from glaciers.

3. Precipitation patterns can be affected by temperature, as clouds and rain are generated by water vapor. As a result, the rainfall patterns or patterns also change due to rising temperatures. It changes, that is, if there is less rain than before, then somewhere it will rain more than before. The duration of rainfall will vary depending on the location.

4. The destruction of coral reefs is increasing as the temperature of seawater is rising. It is in trouble because of the warm climate, as about a third of the coral reefs now exist because of it.

5. The increase in the temperature of seawater is destroying plankton. Plankton is the primary organism in ocean water. The island’s ecosystem, which includes whales, sea lions, fish, and other aquatic creatures, has shrunk due to the lack of plankton.

6. When the sea level will rise as a result of global warming, coastal areas and islands will be submerged and the residents of the coastal area will be forced to move to the interior parts.


By Chanchal Sailani | September 27, 2022, | Editor at Gurugrah_Blogs.



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