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12 Awesome Techniques Of Effective Learning |
Fig. 1.1 Effective Learning Techniques

Effective Learning Techniques –

Both individuals and groups are important, the work which requires more time for an individual to learn, they collectively do the same work quickly, so it is appropriate that the individual works to the best of his ability. The best way to approach a problem is to use a combination of individual and collective methods.

Meaning and definitions of learning –

Learning is an active process that occurs when a person interacts with a situation. Let’s go with mango in hand. The monkey seems hungry and is looking at the man. He snatches mangoes from our hands. The monkey is looking at the mango with its mouth open, probably because it is hungry. But that reaction is instinctive, not something you learn.

Following are the effective methods of learning:

1. Learning by doing

2. Learning by imitation

3. Learning by observation

4. Learning by Experimentation

5. Learning by whole and part method

6. Learning by massed and spaced method

7. Learning by the group method

i. Discussion method

ii. Conference and seminar method

iii. Workshop method

iv. Project method

V. Play way method

1. Learning (Learning by doing) -

Completing the learning process. The learning process includes, as well as these, own plans. Being better is about being better.

By doing any action alone, the effect of this action directly falls on the human mind, so that the child or person can remember the subject for a long time. Everyone learns by doing their best.

Example –

If there is any program or literary or cultural program in the school, then the teacher asks the child to organize those programs so that the child can understand the shortcomings or whatever obstacles are there by doing it and again in the coming time. Do not make the same mistake, so children are brought forward for any program in school or colleges.

2. Learning by imitation –

This method of teaching keeps students’ interest in learning high. This method is best used while teaching geography to children under the social science curriculum. It will be easier for them to learn from it. For example, when children read counting in a book, it does not have an important place at first sight, but in the practical world when children themselves use it, and see it, then its learning takes a permanent form. This method can be used in science, mathematics, social studies, and moral education, etc. Through this method, self-reliance is developed in the children as they try themselves in this test.

Example –

In order to make the child memorize the tables, the teacher first reads the tables, then the child or the child follows the table after the teacher or in the pre-primary classes, the teacher writes the alphabet in the child’s copy and the children see them and write them in the same form. This is what is called imitation.

3. Learning by observation –

Children are able to learn quickly and permanently about the things they see. This is because they are simultaneously touching, discussing, and using their senses, so they are using more than one of them. The experience of seeing the object resulted in a clearer image of it being stored in their memory. For the observation method to be successful, the teacher must plan ahead and choose a location where he will take the children. This method keeps the student’s interest in learning alive. This method is helpful while teaching geography under social science so that the student can learn it easily.

Example –

Physics, Chemistry or e. v. Practicals are made in subjects like s and children are taken for excursions from time to time for those studying the subjects of history or geography are taken for inspection from time to time so that they can see and understand them and learn from them. Be able to learn

4. Learning by Experimentation –

This method of teaching keeps students’ interest in learning high. This method is best used while teaching geography to children under the social science curriculum. It will be easier for them to learn from it. For example, when children read counting in a book, it does not have an important place at first sight, but in the practical world when children themselves use it, and see it, then its learning takes a permanent form. This method can be used in science, mathematics, social studies, and moral education, etc. Through this method, self-reliance is developed in the children as they try themselves in this test.

Example –

Children of science subjects are taken to the science lab and various types of tests are done and the chemical substances made from them are tested.

5. Learning by whole and part method –

There are two ways of learning any subject: full method and partial method. If we read a lesson or chapter of a subject in one breath, then it is called the complete method. But if we read the same text in many parts or small parts, then it is called partial learning. By the partial method, we first learn or read one part and then read or learn another part, this is the most useful method Because it is very easy to read and learn but it is very difficult to read only once or it is very difficult to learn by reading.

Methods of teaching a subject can vary depending on the age of the learners, the length of the subject, how much practice they have, and their ability. For higher classes, the full method for the short subject matter is more useful for those with higher IQ, but it is very convenient for children to learn the longer subject matter and the partial method for those with lower IQ.

Example –

Students are given the opportunity to learn numbers through games and games. The child learns about measurement by doing the work involved in making a field. The child learns to count by the number of runs and overs in cricket.

6. Learning by massed and spaced method –

To learn any task, we try to do it continuously, then take some breaks in between, and then learn the task little by little. The pause method is a way to control how fast your breathing is. The pause method is more useful than the relaxation method because learning with the pause method does not fatigue, and keeps the child’s interest, no matter what pauses in the study or pause, This provides a good opportunity to blur the memory of Bara. He was gone.

As a result, their brain starts working faster and they are able to learn even more effectively. If you can learn something quickly and easily, then you should use Iram’s method for that.

Example –

Conferences, conventions, and motors are all types of events that allow people to gather and share information.

7. Learning by group method –

Group learning is often more effective than individual learning because it allows each person’s memory or brain to be involved in the task, which helps to arouse different perceptions of people in them and up to just one person individually. Is limited.

Due to the fact that they have only self-effect in their mind, they are always motivated and motivated by themselves. Collective methods are generally more effective than individual methods.

The main collective methods are as follows-

i. Discussion method –

Discussion is a method of learning in which students come to a conclusion about a lesson or problem by discussing it with each other. The discussion method differs from the debate method in that the student is looking for original sources to support his arguments. Rather than finding the truth in the debate, he tries to strengthen his stand by debating the topic or problem. Students are more engaged in discussion, and teachers are also more directed to provide instruction as needed.

ii. Conference and seminar method –

Conferences and seminars are two types of discussion in which group members talk to each other about ideas in a logical and informative manner. In conferences and seminars, everyone in the group gets a chance to share their views. Through this process, group members arrive at correct conclusions about a specific and important issue. In conferences and seminars, students get an opportunity to think and understand more, Which makes their knowledge more clear and effective. This interest keeps on growing and through this, the learning and knowledge remain permanent.

iii. Workshop method –

It is a learning method in which students discuss ideas and work together to create something new. The workshop tries to find a solution to a problem or topic by discussing it as a group. This makes it clear that the theoretical side of the problem is important and therefore can be solved. Group work is done when the participants are involved. In the workshop method, students have the opportunity to work on their own. By working on tasks that interest them and that help them solve a problem, students learn more.

iv. Project method –

The project method is an experiential method because in this method the student is presented with a problem and information is gathered to find a solution to that task or problem. Students study material related to the topic and collect and analyze data to draw conclusions. As this method works together as a team, the student develops collaboration, empathy, and social skills, And the knowledge learned through this method is more than just temporary.

v. Method (Play way method) –

The child is interested in all sports or has a natural inclination towards them, so he solves complex problems quickly by playing games. This is because of their quick interest in learning and their lasting impact.


1. Nature of Material

2. Children’s health (Children’s physical and mental health)

3. Maturity

4. Learning Time and Fatigue

5. Willingness to learn

6. Motivation

7. Teacher & Learning Process

8. Good Learning Environment

9. Overall Position (Total Position)

1. Nature of Subject-matter –

The learning process has a direct impact on the material learned. Simple information is learned more quickly and easily than more complex or confusing information. Simple to difficult theory helps students learn more easily by moving from more basic information to more complex information.

2. Physical and Mental Health of Children –

Students who are physically and mentally healthy are interested in learning and learning quickly. Students who are ill or have physical or mental disabilities find it difficult to concentrate on learning. As a result, they are able to learn less and less over time.

3. Maturation –

All students are ready and eager to learn new lessons, regardless of their age or physical or mental maturity. This is because they find it easy to learn. If students are not mature physically and mentally, their time and energy are wasted on learning. According to Kolesnik- Maturity and learning are not separate processes, but they are interconnected and dependent on each other.

4. Time of Learning and Fatigue –

The arrival of school time affects the learning process. For example, when students are excited, they are more likely to learn. They are easy to learn for those who are interested. As the teaching hours pass, they start feeling tired. This slows down the learning process.

5. Will to Learn –

Even in difficult situations, students are able to learn what they want. The main function of the teacher is to help the students to develop strong-willed skills. To achieve this goal, they must engage their interest and curiosity.

6. Motivation –

Motivation is the most important factor in learning. It is important to motivate children to learn new things. If the teacher wants her students to learn a new lesson, she should use methods that motivate them, such as praise, encouragement, introspection, etc. Stephens believes that motivation is one of the most important resources teachers have.

7. Learning Process –

The role of the teacher is essential in helping the students to learn. Their actions, behavior, and personality have a direct impact on how well students learn. Their knowledge and teaching methods are also important in this process. In these cases the higher the level of the teacher, the faster and easier the learning process.

8. Favorable Learning Atmosphere –

The environment in which a student learns has a significant impact on his learning. The class should be quiet so that students can concentrate. The constant noise makes it difficult for the students to concentrate on the learning process. If the classroom does not have enough room for the student to sit and there is not enough air and light, the student will soon start to feel tired. As a result, they lose interest in learning.The psychological environment in the classroom can have a significant impact on the learning process. The process of learning continues if the students have a sense of cooperation and empathy with each other.

9. Total Situation –

The factors affecting the learning of a child do not affect him individually but collectively. Therefore, it is important to have a complete learning environment in the school. The school should be in harmony with the outdoor life of the child and the general life of the community. According to Raeburn, the situation in which a child finds himself while going to school can have a significant impact on his development. The more you are in touch with life, the more you will learn and the more successful you will be.

Effective Learning of Phenomenon and Barriers –

The place where learning takes place is very important in the process of education and teaching. Education is incomplete without education.

Learning Components –

Describing the scientific facts of human behavior, it has been emphasized that behavioral change occurs in all experiences or behavior. Change is not something that can be learned through spontaneous actions. Skill acquisition is the process of learning new behaviors, such as timing, writing, or computer skills. The more that is learned, the more impeccable these behaviors are, and the more effectively they are considered learning.

We found that learning is very difficult to define, and there is no one universally accepted view of human nature. This makes it difficult to determine what is effective teaching. Learning is a change in human culture or ability that can be acquired and is not subject to the process of development.

Learning Features (Learning Traits) –

1. Leads a whole life

2. Learning is Change

3. Learning is Universal

4. Learning is development

5. Learning is Adaptation

6. Learning is doing a new job

7. Learning is the organization of experiences

8. Learning is Purposeful

9. Learning is Discreet

10. Learning is active

11. Learning is both personal and social

12. Learning is a product of the environment

13. To learn is to seek
Fig. 1.3 Learning Features

1. Learning drives a whole life –

The learning process never ends. The man continues to learn from birth to death.

2. Learning change is –

A person changes his behavior, thoughts, desires, feelings, etc. in response to changes in his environment or situation. By learning from the experiences of himself and others, he was able to improve his skills.

3. Learning is Universal –

The quality of learning is not found only in humans. Almost all creatures on Earth, from animals to insects, make noise when they encounter aliens.

4. Learning-Development is –

Knowledge is gained by daily action. Due to this his physical and mental development goes smoothly. This learning method is explained with examples of a tree by Pestalozzi and a garden by Froebel.

5. Learning-Adaptation is –

It is necessary to learn to adapt to the changes taking place in the environment. One can adapt to a new situation only by learning. Only when he molds his behavior according to them can he learn something.

6. Learning – doing new things –

According to Woodworth, learning is the process of trying something new, but it comes with one condition: You must be willing to experiment. He said that learning is a new act only when the task is repeated and manifested in other tasks.

7. Learning Organization of experiences is –

Learning is neither to acquiring new experiences nor reconciling old experiences, but to organizing new and old experiences. As a person learns and grows, he begins to organize his experiences in a way that best serves him.

8. Learning is purposeful –

Learning is purposeful. The stronger the purpose, the faster the learning process. Learning is difficult unless a specific objective is achieved. Merkel believes that if students do not have a specific goal in mind while studying, they will not be able to learn effectively.

9. Learning is judicious –

Mursell argues that learning is a rational act, not a mechanical act. The same thing can be learned quickly and easily, but intelligence or prudence is always necessary. There is no success in learning anything without thinking.

10. Learning-Active is –

Active learning is real learning. A child can learn only by being actively involved in the learning process. This is the reason why progressive methods of teaching like the Dalton Plan, Project Method, etc. Keep your attention on the child’s activities.

11. Learning is both personal and social –

Learning is not only an individual activity, but it is more than a collective effort. According to Yoakam and Simpson, learning is social because without any social interaction it is impossible for an individual to learn.

12. Learning is a product of the environment –

Learning does not happen out of the blue, but always as a response to the environment in which one lives. The way a child interacts with his environment determines the things he learns. This is why it is important for schools to create an environment that is conducive to learning and fosters positive development.

13. Learning is to discover –

Real education is discovering something new. In this type of learning, a person gets results by making various efforts. Merkel believes that learning is the process that we want to know and be aware of.

Effective methods of learning –

There are many ways to learn effectively, and what works for one person may not work for another. It’s important to find what works best for you and stick with it.

Conclusion –

Both the individual and the group are very important, the task which takes more time for the person to learn, the same work is done very quickly in the group, so it is suitable for the individual to use group or individual methods according to his ability or task. Make use of. Everyone learns best by doing, imitating, and watching. This is the way humans are special.


By Chanchal Sailani | June 21st, 2022 | Editor: Gurugrah_Blogs


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