Microbiology or Microorganism Best Definitions | Gurugrah.inwhich there are many types of micro-organisms – existing as unicellular, multicellular, or acellular. The study of the nature of these micro
कीटाणु-विज्ञान या सूक्ष्मजीव |Microbiology or Microorganism | Gurugrah.in एककोशिकीय, बहुकोशिकीय, या अकोशिकीय के रूप में विधमान होते है । इन सूक्ष्म जीवों के स्वरुप के अध्ययन को करना ही कीटाणु विज्ञान कहलाता है । य
Moon/Natural Satellite - Phases of the Moon | Gurugram.inThe Moon appears larger in the sky because it is closer to us than any other celestial body. Stars appear smaller than the Moon because they